54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

imma go with “smol arete was a nerd and big arete is too”

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technically the maximum deck size for most formats is “can be physically held by a human”


the rest of you should share Small You stories I feel weird about being the only one

most of mine would make people concerned about me

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i stabbed a kid over a pokemon card when i was 10


there aren’t that many stories i can remember since I did exactly nothing for about 6 years

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like I had to be absent-minded and not really give a damn about anything for years, and the only reason i got away with it was because I was several years ahead of the curricilum

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i got one
i learned how to play ERS earlier than anyone i know
we started playing it all the time in gifted class from like 3rd grade

and we played it with all the bells and whistles, too
jokers, sum to 10, top bottom, straight, flush, you name it

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oh fuck you’re an Egyptian Ratscrew pro

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when I was in second or third grade, if we got in minor trouble or didn’t finish our work the teacher would write our name on the board and we’d have to stay in for recess

at some point I started writing my own name on the board so that I could skip recess and read

except I didn’t want my teacher to think less of me so after doing so I would write her notes that said things along the lines of ‘I didn’t actually get in trouble I just didn’t want to have to go to recess, yours truly, Arete’

in hindsight she must have known? like she was pretty oblivious, but I feel like she can’t possibly have been oblivious enough not to notice that underneath all the names in normal adult handwriting there was one in Illegible Small Arete Handwriting? but at the time I thought I was fooling her


well not really
i was never very good
my reaction time is terrible lmao

did you play with the “draw 666 and you have to burn the deck at midnight” rule?

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piodjmhfkssrlhgrsm arete


what the fuck


why was smol arete so pure and adorable



with what

because I’m selectively sharing stories that don’t make me look bad


yeah but if i do that my criteria is like, 0 stories

im still trying to think of a good one

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I mean i beat a kid up for stealing my 39 clues cards when i was like 8
that stuff was valuable back then lmao

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