54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I blame nerbins for me being bored. Let’s throw him in a volcano if he doesn’t host a turbo game.

A: No time.
B: Please don’t.

Can I host? I can try to think of something.

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You can :wink:

What type of game are you going to host


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The wifom potential I like it

Cough host now cough

another turbo is open

@discobot roll 1d2

:game_die: 1

why you do that :thinking:


top secret

Don’t worry you can put it in < > and it’s safe

when did they change the eye emote, it looks ugly now

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<read this if you’re gay>

oh, cool

That’s a lot of tests imo

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Firekitten has the big gay

no u
