54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I had to buy a mask at the entrance

I’ve been trying to refrain from using them as I am not in the risk group and there is a huge shortage in hospitals and for people who ARE in the risk group

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I’m trying to drink water but I feel full and sick whenever I do it help

Drink not water.

but I want to drink water


I have nothing else to drink

why does water make me want to throw up

did you already drink a bunch of it

I barely drink one cup and then I got another cup and now I feel sick :frowning:

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drink only water

water only valid drink

your water is trying to kill me

Do other drinks also make you feel sick? Because if that’s the case, you might be sick.

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I can’t remember the last time I drank water.

I haven’t had other drinks in a while…

i think you have to wait for the concrete to dry

what the fuck

i used to be like this

water is good tho

Wait, I know why!

Your body is still getting used to you now being concrete!

Cats like water, concrete does not!

How do animals know they need to drink water to survive

because they die if they don’t

therefore the animals that don’t know are animals we never knew existed