54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

but animals are made all the time

yeah and have you ever seen an animal who didn’t drink water

No but the question is how do they know they need to drink water

jgoes apparently


survival instinct

Also whales and dolphins

Inherited behavior.

Technically they could also drink cranberry juice instead, like yours truly.

yeah but they prob get some water in their system by living in it

They can’t drink salt water…

They get all their water from eating other animals

Now the question is where do those animals get their water from

conspiracy music plays

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thats my cat


my piper

imma pretend like my parents’ street name wasnt on there

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@Possessed You don’t get keys to get access into Valorant
You link your riot account and it activates



I drink 3-4 litres of water each day :thinking:
and rarely something else
like blood juice of course

That feeling when you wake up when it’s supposed to be spring, look outside, and see 3 inches of snow on the ground


sulit literally the only times I’ve even looked outside over the past month are when you have told me there’s snow