54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Why’d you leave the keys upon the table?

More ashamed of blue not killing prince N1

I killed him N1


Burrito we are in a 1v1 situation and i got two souls left.

Blue didn’t tho


You win?

I mean, i guess so XD.

Good thing I’m PSYCHO KING!

/doublevote Blizer

Wait im Reaper lol wut.

We win together i guess.

And I was sorcerer

How did you become king

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And Blue was a Possessor who fake claimed Alchemist

Neuts in meta.

O rlly the grave yard disagrees

Except Alch

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I’m not alch

Why do you think i killed Blue for the claim :smirk:

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DeathKnight stabs Blizer

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