54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I know it’s a different one

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Our wolfy is banned on MU I’m reasonable sure

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Their wolfy has their own style but it’s far from wallposting.
Trust me, those are NOT wallposts.

Pretty sure they both got banned for cheating.
I mean PKR and Wolfy.

Why was he banned?

Cheating with Pkr


Just teamed?

So Wolfy’s wallposts do not count as wallposts holy shit

They are couples, you dork.

They told each other their roles and stuff

They’re dating if you didn’t know


Ppl call me one liner on MU : (

I think this quote summaries our Wolfy spectacularly.


the point is that people on MU play fast and loose and only post posts longer than two paragraphs when it’s absoloutely neccecary

You do realise that my style of posting with fairly beefy posts fairly often is very odd?

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What is Eevee called on MU?


Well you do a ‘case’ on someone with multiple quotes in a ‘summary’ it basically tells me you’re scum xD

Ici are you joining Elemental FM?

Then play 48/24 they only post long posts there

Uhm, well, I mean is he well known on MU?