54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Hell no

I’m a selective White knight

Grace us with your selection then

Freshness level has increased :smiley:


1 Like

What are we doing lol

I agree 100%

It ruins mafia for me on this site
no exaggeration
when people do this kind of shit i immediately lose interest in the game and respect for said person


I mean, unless you have a legit reason to replace out,

You gotta ride through the game

If someone commits to playing, they cannot back out

They know the risks of doing so.


Also Marl, who you aiming to unlock first?


Yeah, for smash ultimate

I’m not getting it
No switch

You don’t have a switch?

I thought u had one



I wanted to destroy your shulk with my boy wolf.

My Roy / Ike lel
Shulk is just a fun pick :^) not my main

If I do get it I’ll play Chrom prob


ho ho ho

I am terrified

Hello terrified, I am Marcus <:^)