54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I mean it sorta was sniping but still.

It was only one chat message I accidently saw.

This is why we need a NO STREAMER lobby

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Easy solution
Ban streams


I mean ngl the game is sorta dead

i’ll check if anyone is streaming ToL

only 3 streamers rn


uh oh everyone

hey @reaper
Sometimes I want to jokingly offend you (not outta nowhere, with context ie a “dumb boy” between a conversation) but then my fingers lock because I can’t drive myself to, even if it is not real
Now have a nice day <3

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cream salad

image image


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Discuss your drama here.
We already had a purge on the birthday thread, we don’t need another one.

Fine mom

Don’t sass me, mister!
Go to your room!

I’m fuckin gonna sass you all I want

Can’t stop me

Well that’s just rude.

S u c c m e

Aaaaand we’re done here.
walks away


I went to check how some 2014-2016 buddies were doing
one of them became the manager of a 20k furry amino