54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


honestly I wanted to make a rp here but my dnd players are pushing me for not dming for 5 days :’^}


I’m bringing my doctor boi back in another Danganronpa RP, but I have to wait to see if he gets approved for the final roster or not

I personally don’t like Danganronpa RPs, the concept is nice for an unilateral writer but not for RPs
Usually the owner of the RP end up pushing for the assassin to lose in the earlier scenarios so 90% of the game won’t get pissed/it won’t end so early


New FeH summoner started and I got Ophelia from the first one omegalul

@discobot like this if pug and i should move here

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Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

@discobot roll 1d4

if this lands on 4 planterror must record himself saying deez nuts

:game_die: 1

fucking ass rig

You’ve saved my skins again.

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plant. are you.
the master of the bot or something.

why does it like all your posts.

Not all of them

like this if ur fat robot

@Kirefitten you awake? should i spill the glorious secret?

do it ooga booga

you’re not fk

okay then I’ll change my profile picture to anime cat then I’ll be kitten fire


ofcial @Kirefitten face to reveal