54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

how could he

I thought it would spam too much…


cookie thread

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wait it’s too small

Jasmine defeats Eevee in a fight, but spares his life.

Lightsin receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

Bazingaboy cooks his food before putting his fire out.

Gamerpoke receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

Twil1ght begs for Nerbins to kill her. He refuses, keeping Twil1ght alive.

Isaac Gonzalez shoots an arrow at Icibalus , but misses and kills The notorious Eevee’s bot instead.

NuclearBurrito passes out from exhaustion.

Kai 5 receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

Shurian , Firekitten , and cbman cheerfully sing songs together.

Reaper is unable to convince Insanity to not kill him.

Mercenary and Luxy talk about the tributes still alive.

Ashe starts a fire.

Pug loses sight of where he is.

Braixen attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.

orangeandblack5 , Meteoro , HTM , and Marluxion sleep in shifts.

Marcus Doodalee loses sight of where he is.

techwolves attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.

psychoneirik questions his sanity.

Planterror tries to treat his infection.

NinjaPenguin throws a knife into Wolfy 's chest.

overthebin and Hjasik work together to drown MaximusPrime .

Damafaud receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

WazzaAzza lets XBlade into her shelter.

CheesyNivs sees a fire, but stays hidden.

PoisonedSquid sees a fire, but stays hidden.

BlueStorm is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth.

PokemonKidRyan sees a fire, but stays hidden.

Last lines were just flanker simulator


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Scumteam, I see


Where am I?



You already died, son

Meteoro scares PoisonedSquid off.

CheesyNivs makes a slingshot.

Isaac Gonzalez , Luxy , and Eevee hunt for other tributes.

HTM constructs a shack.

Insanity receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

Damafaud discovers a cave.

Hjasik sets an explosive off, killing PokemonKidRyan , psychoneirik , Bazingaboy and XBlade .

Shurian goes hunting.

Braixen goes hunting.

Marluxion receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

Gamerpoke travels to higher ground.

overthebin travels to higher ground.

Jasmine , Mercenary , BlueStorm , and Kai 5 hunt for other tributes.

NinjaPenguin searches for firewood.

Icibalus discovers a river.

NuclearBurrito camouflauges himself in the bushes.

Planterror constructs a shack.

techwolves runs away from orangeandblack5 .

Marcus Doodalee thinks about home.

Twil1ght tries to sleep through the entire day.

Pug receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

Lightsin tends to cbman 's wounds.

Nerbins dies from thirst.

WazzaAzza scares Ashe off.

Firekitten receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

Of course hjaisk does


In today’s episode, Hjasik became a pro

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I’ve ditched Mercenary in order to hang out with the Forum Mafia heavy-weights

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Ah shit.
Of course.

