54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


Marluxion convinces Insanity to snuggle with him.

CheesyNivs throws a knife into orangeandblack5 's head.

Pug is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth.

Planterror quietly hums.

Braixen fends NinjaPenguin , Mercenary , and Eevee away from her fire.

Jasmine and Twil1ght run into each other and decide to truce for the night.

techwolves climbs a tree to rest.

PoisonedSquid strangles HTM with a rope.

Lightsin tries to sing himself to sleep.

Damafaud convinces Isaac Gonzalez to snuggle with her.

cbman attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.

Gamerpoke lets Ashe into his shelter.

Icibalus falls into a frozen lake and drowns.

overthebin fends Meteoro , Luxy , and NuclearBurrito away from her fire.

BlueStorm thinks about home.

Kai 5 receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

Shurian and WazzaAzza tell stories about themselves to each other.

Hjasik repeatedly stabs Marcus Doodalee to death with sais.

Firekitten climbs a tree to rest.

Poor Ashe

@Marluxion @insanity


Excuse me @Marluxion what


Braixen had fire and firekitto went kitto-mode

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Htm was lynched! He was mafia!

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BlueStorm sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.

Pug receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

NinjaPenguin searches for firewood.

Firekitten constructs a shack.

Shurian tries to sleep through the entire day.

WazzaAzza explores the arena.

techwolves receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

Eevee receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

overthebin receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

Meteoro hunts for other tributes.

Lightsin goes hunting.

Kai 5 receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

Ashe makes a slingshot.

Mercenary stalks Damafaud .

Isaac Gonzalez goes hunting.

cbman ambushes Braixen and kills her.

Planterror 's trap kills Marluxion .

Jasmine tries to sleep through the entire day.

CheesyNivs overhears Twil1ght and Hjasik talking in the distance.

Insanity goes hunting.

Gamerpoke is pricked by thorns while picking berries.

Luxy receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

PoisonedSquid begs for NuclearBurrito to kill her. He refuses, keeping PoisonedSquid alive.

Marl, no. He’s 14.

wtf i’m the water elemental mafia i can’t be drowned @overthebin @Emilia

Ashe makes a slingshot.


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New ship


I have three minutes speed run

How many explosives is Noz getting?



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Watch out!

He snuggled with a 14 yo.
He had it coming.

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