54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Are you asking me?


chances are that if I don’t talk about a game I have no idea what the game is

Idk what it is

…you don’t understand our plight, cat.

what’s the problem

Dude, I remember playing and completing Subspace with a bunch of friends as a child whenever I head over to their place which was pretty often since we wanted to complete the game

Do you have to start all over if you complete a boss or something

Well… um… it’s complicated

I’ll find out soon!

Yeah same. We actually beat Tabuu when I was like ten, and my friends and I freaked because that boss was unbeatable for a month.


Then what’s the problem with defeating the other bosses

It’s because I’m burnt out.

When we are a kid, Tabuu was hard as hell

Now, when we watch videos on that fight we go

“How the fuck did we get our ass kicked by him?”

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I thought there was this massive problem about not being able to complete it but okay then


Still this for not figuring out you had to beat it

Before beating Tabuu, you had to collect every single fighter back and go against every single previous boss before having to go and face him. This was all done in a giant ass maze!


It was wishful thinking.

The maze was annoying, but a cool concept tbh,

Annyoing in the way that we had to do everything a second time, but could unlock jigglypuff and Wolf.

Me going to bed

And probs going to watch more of Haunting of Hill House tmrw.

No! Play turbo Mafia with me!