54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Why was there a music video for don’t cry

also seeing how jazz still hasn’t sent the first 5 cookies i’m bumping this up from 11111st to 50000th :^)

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@Kirefitten what’s it like to hype up a setup only to die d1 to a dayvig :^)

What’s it like to shoot a wolf as lost wolf? :^)

I only kill people the same alignment as me during d1-3 duh

holy shit that’s so much

welp time to shitpost 24/7

Anyone who likes cookies more than cake should fight me

I fight for my friends
(and sweets preferences)

ice cream cake > cookies any day

Only firekitten may necromance

did marl seriously unedit this post for a second so he could just see the meme :joy:


PK maybe

Onety one thousand, one hundred and onety first post


@Hippolytus Hi

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Why did you jump the last one from 5000 to 10000 but this one from 10000 to 11111 :eyes:

Because I felt like it

Wanted to spice things up

Return of a legend

why am i awake it’s 3 am holy fuck

p e a c e f u l


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I approve this video. :+1:

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