54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


Blue Dragon Special
Not-Really-Blood Brothers (Passive) - You will have a private chat with Richard, whom Maxi forgot to rename the class but is the guy who talks with Vilhelm, able to talk to him at any time you’d like.
Royal Blood (Passive) You can step earlier than other classes to the throne. If the Prince or the Drunk (or its conversions) didn’t step up, you automatically become the king because this is how nobility works. You will keep this passive even if your class changes.
At Dawn (Day) - Wake up obnoxiously earlier than everyone. The day will start 5 hours earlier for you. - Infinite uses.
Distract (Day) - Silence a player for one minute. Exactly, one minute. And be grateful, because most peoplehave shorter attention spans - 3 uses.
Sense of Personal Space (Night) - Visit everyone tonight, even if they are jailed, because the Duke can open as many doors he fucking wants. - Infinite uses.
Sips tea (Night) - Summon Richard to wherever you are right now to hear some gossip. - 1 uses.



Cult Special
High Priestess Sheya (Passive) - You will appear as the Priest to all checks done to you.
Ominious (Passive) - You were formerly an Apostle, who traded your ability to hear the dead for one to hear the voices of the dark. You may talk to the host. The host is now a player under the name Mithras or Corax, of their choosing, who has the cult win condition.
Merchant Turmoil (Day) - Create a fight over a book in the merchant square. You will remove the Paladin’s Test of Faith ability. - 1 use.
Lead to the Dark (Day) - Kidnap the Hunter. For the remaining of this cycle, the next night and the next day, they will appear to be jailed by the Prince. If the Hunter is not in the game, kidnap PKR. - 1 use.
Strange Ritual Shit (Night) - Sacrifice an AFK Cult Member to do an effect of Geyde’s choosing. - Infinite Uses.

Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

I want to do a real class for poor Nick
but it’ll take too much effort
so meh

By the way, psy may host ritual mafia on MU soon

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will the roles be changed to be more vanilla, because I doubt it’ll fill as it is

What do you mean it won’t?

I think people would join for the crazy mechanics

They’d join for the mechanics but probably would be turned off by 3 or 4 abilities per class
just simplify the classes to one primary ability and the ritual ability and it should be fine

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oh okay that could work

Why are you assuming

because I was in wolfchat and the majority of the experienced players in there were super-antipathic to PR-heavy games

@Icibalus say if we got a simplified version of the game then the regular game. Is it okay if people when they in the game to choose which one they want like voting

Just run it like it was designed, Icibalus’ opinion isn’t everyone’s opinion.


it’s also a better purgatory so

Honestly I think the trickiest part would be ritual votes but they can be sent in manually instead of mod bot doing it

I’m forced to go outside where it’s -7 degrees outside. My fingertips feel like they’re going to fall off ;-;

@psychoneirik if you see this get on discord

what’s ritual mafia

Mafia with rituals

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