54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Hiss boo wrong

Also the burden of proof is on the claimant

Why would I when you are right

I’m on team ketchup.

It’s also healthier? :thinking:

Ketchup doubles up as fake blood What does mayo double up for? :thinking:

Flawless logic

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Mayonnaise won the Splatfest, so therefore, it’s officially better :thinking:

I call rigged!

Not when the best Krak-On Splat Roller main was on the team :wink:

I was incredible. (/s)

the splatoon splatfests are always wrong, ergo ketchup is better

Splatfests are never wrong, read the rules, Ici

yeah ici.
are you trying to say that callie is better than marie?

yes, fight me.



you could just put it in details or spoilers instead of doing that


honestly the protocol should just be have a setting to turn on/off autoplay .-.

also i saw you typing ici


yeah but thats more on the the websites the videos are embedding from.
so it would probably be quite difficult to do that in the forum

Marie is better, mate. Splatfest confirms it


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Someone is asking me to help with their homework and I’m happy