54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Change title to cursed moderator


Change his pfp to something offensive so it violates forum rules and ban him

literally the easiest fix of my life

or just change his pfp to an eevee

It’s a blessing

Not changing avatar is winning, so it’s okay guys.

That will backfire

Can we not change my pfp when I don’t have my original pfp


Your welcome

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What happened to you?!?!?

As much as I hate Eevee’s PFP, seeing people suffer as a result of it is more important to me than my own hatred of it.
Keep it.

I did nothing


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Incase anyone dies in this event

What Geyde will say when new generations of the forum ask what he did as a mod:

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I think everyone has same opinion on it, lmao.

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Outdated but meh

I came. I saw. I ruined it.

Guys, let’s try to get @discobot having a 12345 post, he needs a cookie for his hard work!