54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

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I think eevees are higher in evolution chain than littens.

true :frowning:

But littens are more powerful when evolved

Ehhh, not really?

…I’m just Glass Joe.

Yes :frowning:

who’s glass joe

Punch-Out character.
Strongest one in the series.

Incieroar is good… for lowest tier attacker.

Hey Eevee, you or any of your evolutions a smash fighter?

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Excluding every other character from punch out, Glass Joe from punch out is the strongest character from punch out

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eevee actually is in super smash since 2001.

But that ain’t official.

I’m in smash bros.

Official smash bros, yep.

Eevee is in it since melee version. 18 years ago.

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If I could, I would replace a logo of this site with my pfp.

Wait a second, I think I can.


Ah, thought you were talking about smash flash.
Yeah, they’re a pokemon, but not a fighter.
Fighters’re playable characters.

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