54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute



Will he ever play fm again?

prob not, he finds RP more enjoyable

cough, cough.

Also if there’s multiple universes

is there an universe with magic

Hmm…anyone remember that i42 boss compendium thing Pug started?

I do

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Hell yeah.

Don’t tell me you are going to revive it

Alright so

If there’s multiple universes

What happens if we die in one

I did.

And well, I wasted like 30 min of my life just to create a “boss.”

I never said that.

You become an SCP.

if there’s an infinite amount of universes if I were to die in one universe there would be another me in another universe right

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Yeah seriously, you would live in the others.

Kitten what are you doing

meaning I just need to commit suicide till I reach the one with magic

That don’t seem like a good idea

He is going to collect all of the corpses part

Good idea.