54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Seems like a great idea idk what you are taking about

I reached the magic realm. Fake join meh!

more serious question

where did the energy come from in the first place

Because energy can’t be lost or made?

But if energy couldn’t be made where did it come from

It was always there.

If there is an infinite number of universes then every single universe you can think of exists.

A universe where fk doesn’t spam.

learn your words correctly

I thought spam was canned pork

a canned meat produce made from ham.

me too tbh

My first game was TT and I spawned as the Assassin



I feel like we should do Short Fuse again. :thinking:


Master drawer, what do you think?

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My master plan will come to fruition soon™

Also Game of Thrones FM should be a thing.

This is not an invitation for spoilers fyi. :smile:

I mean, if people would want that, then sure, I might co-host again if needed.

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MS Paint SFoL