54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I’m not for the record, I’m awfully jolly today even, but it’s just a thought.

Real talk I’m slightly unnerved by Solic’s posting
I think he rolled scum IRL because his tone is off

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It’s method acting for my new playstyle of course. :wink:

Yes he hasn’t been shouting out that I’m scum for a while, so he must’ve done it :thinking:

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Being nice?!

That’s a bannable offense.

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How can I know if I am town scum or neut irl

Check your rolecard.

I rolled neut with the objective to get the game canned.

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Sounds legit

You’re not in a GI turbo are you?

I spied a little lion with my eye. :eyes:

Get Life canned

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Really easy

just launch a nuke and watch other countries react

How to get Access to nuke

become president

Easy just @NuclearBurrito


also why tf does the president have access to a nuke

Sounds easy

Really think the should delete fool irl.
It’s way too common and the ‘help’ action isn’t effective enough in many cases.