54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

He might give you a burrito instead though, but that’s pretty cool too.

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so if us finds out they getting nuked they can no u

President Campaing:
Vote me So I can nuke

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I don’t trust a man with a power of a nuke

rephrase to ‘fix all of the problems of humanity’ and we’ll have a campaign

come to NZ. We are nuclear free :smiley:

:gun: say that to my face you bastard

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Cuz he pinged me. Duh

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We are nuclear free.


alright time to invade NZ

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@NuclearBurrito bring the burritos, and the nukes but more importantly the burritos

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We have burritos. Just not nukeburritoes

then you need to die

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No u


No U

Yes me

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