54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Can any techboy answer me smth

It was fresh bought
(At least the ones our class got)

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Depending on the question maybe

Why are Discord foreign adresses so erratic
I can find the company behind each other one but Discord just seem to have random adresses

Many people trust me, there are good reasons to. Or I am just deceiving everyone

I have no clue.

I mean, I can always trust you… right?

Yeh yeh, I’m right.

I won’t do anything in bad intentions, so far I can assure you.

You sure know how to make it enticing. :smile:

Starcraft seems like a timesink and I’d be looking more for like a story game that I can finish and no longer spend time on for instance. More of a single player experience basically.

But thanks for the offer.

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How did you come to call yourself Priestess?

wanted to see if I was ratted
found out that one of Discord’s adresses is Amazon.

One what’s ratted?
Two Amazon Jungle or Amazon like the shopping website?

Well, Priestess of Law.

I’m the daughter of a priest, I tried to become myself one. My god had other plans for me, so I somehow ended up in the law sector instead. And Priestess is a very fitting name for me.


I’m glad you can aassure me.

Am I allowed to call everyone a he not because I want to insult them but because I’m lazy



And I’m a King!

(Recently Added Cult King, not Unseen King anymore)



If ur lazy use they. If not use their right pronouns

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