54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


But I’m lazy and forgetful

So they it is

and we are your cult alts.

So what if I call everyone she

Or yall or jawn or peep or something that it kinda just general

Stop alt’ing me!

Priestess tell them to stop, they’ll listen to you, you’re their cult leader.

Cult King and Cult Leader. Very fitting.

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Nah not everyone wants to be called she either

How about zombie


I feel offended you didn’t correct the right species

You all are nothing but Imposters. My Wazza is the only Wazza who counts.

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Well once another species gets on the forums sure

You wouldn’t be bothered, if everyone you knew would use “she” for you?

Datbird is on the money though.


Thank you!

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Talks to a cat
Talks about another species not being here

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I remember how pissed I was as everyone called me “Priest” and “he”.



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What’s wrong with priest?