54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Don’t worry.

I’ve never called you a “Priest” or a “he”. Even if your class is ever the Priest.

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Can’t priest be a girl as well

Well then just be right to each person and animal and alien and whatevers identifiers and it should be fine. General things like they are more appreciated than wrong ones.

My battery is at 1% help

You can use comrade as universal pronoun


Actually no I wouldn’t

It’s just 3 letters, how hard is it to write them too >.> It was a game where everyone was angry at me, so they started to do this.

Female pfp, female name… but let’s call her he, and they tried to do it in matches after this too. That was just disrespecting. So I had to stop that.

Well sorry if I did it, and I don’t think those who did it, did it on purpose (unless they did and then they are just jerks). And it’s not hard to remember but especially with newer faces it’s something that may need to be learned by accidentally saying it wrong the first time

Yeah, I know, don’t worry. I was just angry at some specific people who made this on purpose.

Firekitten, you really probably would be… :roll_eyes:

And even if not, for most people, they would be, so we will uphold a strict policy on this forum to be respectful and try to use the right pronouns.

If I’m honest with you, when Isaac asked me if I was… “something” I was very confused if Isaac was calling you a him or not.

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I have no idea what he tried to talk about in that moment, and I neither want to know or care about it.

After it I kinda went off questioning myself like.

“Do I seem blank or something?” at first I took highly offense to it but I just let it go.

Anyway next topic.


I took offense too, that’s why I wrote what I wrote.

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Thanks for writing that by the way.

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I have my very own ways to solve problems.

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I just realised I’m catching up.

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Poor Margaret, I should stop posting right now :^P

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Can someone answer me a question? How do you send pics on mobile?