54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I have a cat on me who’s sleeping

she won’t let me pet her if she doesn’t want to be they will still sleep on me however when I pet them they claw me and

I’ve been here for so long, but I’ve never done that.

In fact - yes.

I dare you

Lol all the confessions come out. :smile:

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N o.



You should know that that just has the opposite effect on me Firekitten. :man_shrugging:

I’m a contrarian at heart.


how much money does it take for you to reread this thread

A number you can’t afford

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My time is invaluable. :man_shrugging:

No corruptibility to find here :^P

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I didn’t want to say this, but yeah


I wasted 4 months reading this forum apparently I don’t think so


I don’t see it as time wasted. :confused:

How did you do that

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dunno I’m just super active apparently