54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


Well isnt this fun

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Vanilla god exists tho

I mean the part about not being able to die then saying “if you die”

morgana kinda cringe tho

You cheated though.

Only me and Priestess won;(

dad please come back.

little jimmy misses you, he wants to play wii sports again please dad

honestly I want to attempt to write the saddest thing possible without going into the edge category.

@Wazza Wanna play more?

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Can confirm


Can confirm
Ignores Question

Yes thats me hello

Can confirm

Wazza come >.>


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Thank god.

Who was annoying you this time?

No talking about ongoing games /shrug

Ahh… Understandable.

Anyway, what game shall we play?

Idk :frowning: