54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

You don’t let me any choice ;D


please can we stop talking about anything related to my name?

I live in Connecticut Newington
now i wnat you to fight me i have a knife

My name can reveal a lot of things you don’t want to know.

meet me in the mil pond

Wazza’s name is WazzaAzza#2836 confrimed

bring a weapon

not funny and not the time.

also you are a male right?

connecticut newington mill pond

ill wait for u there



me realizing i revealed my location

jk guys i live in london

wazza is my dad

why is an england stereotype that everyone lives in London?

u told us u lived in london

my brain really is messed up, this post proves that.

when did I ever say I lived in London?