54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

because i stalk u look out ur window

if u see someone waving thats me

Oh are you seeing me right now Isaac?

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Yes we live in a society

yes are u stalking with me?

come here i have ice cream

Priestess is stalking themselves
Interesting manuever

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Can you delete all posts that say “Removing this.” please?

Quote them for me.
Half asleep rn

that would reveal it lmao

Have any of you here actually been stalked?



there’s a rock that keeps eyeing me

Wazza lives inside of Grape Panta not London!

It’s not a good feeling, is it?

I thought you were actually being serious for once ._.

the rock scares me

im never serious

Depends on definition of being stalked.
If it relates to someone trying to figure out my IRL, then no.