54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Force everyone to learn all languages ez

Do you ever think in English btw?

You can’t just merge like 1000 languages into one and have something coherent.

It’s for relativising the statement even more

More so than in Dutch presently. We have a bigger anglicized culture.

Fine let’s just make a new language that works and everyone can pronounce and stuff and force everyone to learn that language

Oh so did you learn Dutch when you was growing up but now you know more English?

Also you can talk dutch and I’ll understand it, only with my german (+english) knowledges. These languages are too close.

@discobot roll 1d10
How close will you be to cookie?

:game_die: 2

Okay, but it’s based on Dutch.

They tried that, it’s Esperanto.

Then why didn’t they actually try to get goverments to force people to learn it

I prefer Interlingua

let me guess


I knew English from quite a young age from video games mostly. Dutch is just my native language, but I’m basically equally skilled as a native in English presently.

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Don’t mind me, just waiting to snatch the cookie

It’s strange what video games motivate you to do
Like learning my aunts phone number on heart for a Pokémon game

I was always a huge enemy of the english language, so don’t mind my crude grammar ^^

Can we talk about how confusing other languages are to us English speakers?

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Discobot will get the cookie