54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

It’s not really that confusing

if you try

Bro, I sit in Spanish/French class just thinking: wtf

And don’t get me started on my Chinese last year.

oh shit we’re reaching that point in the thread again

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That’s because those teachers are bad at their jobs when they think someone will eventually learn the language if you always speak in that language to them

Well I know German, English, Latin, Old Hebrew
And have basic knowledges in Spanish, Italian, Dutch

Latin teacher is the best language teacher I ever met

Duolingo is your best friend.

Or the one that murders you if you don’t keep up that streak

French isn’t that complex

It has a lot of similar words to English and if you learn French then Spanish should be ez.

bro, have you ever listened to a listening test?

Color crayon or something is pencil in English

what was it again? It was a fairly ironic word

No nor do I want to

OOF listening tests

They can suck a big one

Give me an oral or writing test any day

French and Spanish aren’t that near to each other

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Yes, if you understand the language it isn’t that hard

Teacher: speaks nice French/Whatever language in a normal voice you can understand
Listening Test: Speaks complete gibberish

The first one is a bad teacher

Crayon = pencil.

All you need to learn Latin is a few games of For Honor

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