54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Not any differently than a government printing that amount of money I’d imagine.

it wouldnt because people would know ur money is from a wrong time based on the serial codes

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If you look at history and the one west african rich king that went to a poor area and spent a lot of the money, you’d see the economy inflated a lot

Forgot his name, think it’s Mansa Musa though

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but the government wouldn’t be printing money so how would markets know

would the government be like “WTF WE DIDNT PRINT ANY MONEY WTF HAPPENED”

So basically shops raised their prices so the poor people who could already barely afford it can’t afford it?

Time travel is actually economically very strange, because with positive interest rates and free time travel you can gain an infinite amount of money theoretically.

Just travel back in time, put money on the bank, travel back again and put money + interest in the bank. Compounded interest also makes that go scary quick.

It means that the value of the currency decreased a lot, causing stores to have to raise prices

What would happen to the economy then? Eventually you would put a lot of money so the BANK couldnt even afford to give you interest right? What happens then?

Firekitten shower thoughts and questions

Companies experiment to get largest possible profit. Prices in grocery stores change constantly for instance. A shock like a large influx of money in the economy would just stunt those prices more clearly. If a person suddenly has more money leftover at the end of the month, it’s fairly easy to notice for them. Now imagine a professional business whose sole job it is to find out what maximum price they can charge to maximize profit.

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If you gain an infinite amount of money, the currency turns unstable and it’s basically an exaggerated form of hyperinflation, so it’d turn worthless ironically.

Theoretically a company could just force everyone to stay at their price because everyone would ignore the higher price store even though they would make more money if they raised higher prices lmao

Not if the store has to close down, because they don’t make enough money… They still have to gather goods, pay employees, pay store location.

And people don’t just go to the cheapest store, nor are any two stores the same. Brand loyalty is a big thing. Which shop is closest. Products are different etc.



i agree

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@discobot quote what will this cookie’s last words be before I eat it.

:left_speech_bubble: The price of greatness is responsibility. — Winston Churchill

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Wait this cookie’s name is Winston Churchill :thinking:

16789 then 16969?