54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


@discobot fortune do cookies’ have names?

:crystal_ball: As I see it, yes

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You cant make infinite money when time traveling because all your turnips will spoil.

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I can’t believe they would put anti time traveler stuff in animal crossing

I wonder what’s going on in my town after not touching the game for 3 years…

Yeah that’s his name

He was the king of Mali

They’ve advanced into outer space obviously.

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I don’t have hype
It just feels like a chore

I know that printing too much money just makes each one of them to have less value since the value is defined by the ballast
I understand that Bitcoin has no ballast and has a value given by supply and demand
I can’t somehow unite both points.


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I’m ordering 16969 instead of 16789.

It’s clearly the preferred option



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Found more memes



why do you meme adhd

I think I’m ADD, but mum won’t believe me.

Stupid time limit