Delete Priest
Too late
Invent Time Travel
Have you ever like, watched a quiet video, almost falling asleep and then Youtube Auto Play is like:
ConFusED sCrEeCHinG
Why did this message happen/
They asked themselves if you’re dead already
I disappeared for literally 20 hours…
Do y’all really miss me that much?
It’s noticable when you’re missing.
Expect to get detention
What does Sancta Maria, spes nostra ora pro nobis mean :^)
You need to be constantly reminded of the new information you get in order to keep it in your brain, otherwise you will eventually forget about it. You need to keep revising everything you study each time leaving a bigger interval than the last time you revised it. Mnemonics work great, too.
I am officially not allowed to work, study, or even look at any thing Latin related until next school year.
Et tu catus
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean molestie volutpat odio, nec facilisis odio. Sed consequat diam et consectetur elementum. Vestibulum at porta erat. Nunc semper lorem vitae dolor faucibus, ac maximus enim porttitor. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent posuere sapien vel dolor facilisis, ac posuere risus tempus. Integer a felis rhoncus, elementum leo id, tincidunt elit. Morbi egestas ex vel consectetur iaculis. Fusce tristique nisi et turpis sollicitudin, vel rutrum quam vestibulum. Ut tellus eros, sodales ac porttitor ac, tempus non velit. Proin a magna pretium, consequat tortor quis, dapibus erat. Donec ultricies velit at tortor iaculis, nec tristique ligula gravida. Ut in pretium diam. Morbi lacus magna, ornare ut odio vitae, congue posuere enim.
So much Latin
and all this latin is making me feel
You may rely on it