54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Isn’t that like the generic text you get when you open up a template on Word or Pages or whatever

That’s dummy text

Yes but its start kinda reminds some phillosopher thing about pain and the translate of the phillosopher thing is in my MAL profile


Oh great goddess of luck, lend me your power of luck to succeed at something that has a 4/ 4,913 chance of working.


This seems oddly specific :thinking:

I did the Math


the caps lock was on purpose wasn’t it

4/17 x 1/17 x 1/17


but pretend it was

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@Kirefitten This your last year in Middle School?

Cause if it is, have fun wtih High school

That shit goes downhill over the years.

What tf

I’m in high school and I’m 15

and apparently I’m being forced to study for a driver permit this summer

Oh yea

15 is 1st year of highschool

Its been that long huh. (Saying that for myself.)

In Australia we don’t have middle school.

11th grade next year



this is the price to pay for having an adorable pfp and username

it’s worth it
