54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Wait you changed his title for free??

reee I getting commissions off those

Also pls change bio k thx

Absolutely not


@Nerbins Ive been told to blam you

Also rate my pfp/10

To the soul who follows this
Good luck

@Geyde open nfol thread ree

I’m not finished with prep.
I think I’m missing a few things.

Damnit you’ve used two i’ms now I don’t know what which on to meme fron


I’m thinking about introducing a post maximum per player for each day phase to stop the thread from devolving into huge fluffposting that suffocates the thread.

Unusual punishment is illegal in the US

Nope, that just makes it really demotivating to play if you hit the cap. I used to think a post cap could be a good thing, but it will just get complicated and annoying for all parties imo.

If things go sour just give warnings and more of things continue to go south

It’s a newbie game, so mimicking MU light games in some ways could benefit the health of the game.

Basically a heavy warning not to excessively fluffpost?

People from TOL don’t tend to spam, but many discussions lead into game related talk anyway


I’m just basing this decision off of what happened with Moustache in FoL 20.
For reference a lot of the talk that game seemed to set them off.

I’m mainly thinking of Hjasik at her worst here when I say that, people can learn not to fluffpost when they play amongst a good number of veterans


I’m not letting them join.
I don’t believe they can mesh well with new players

Warnings for spam would totally be fine.

Moustache isn’t a good example.

I’ll specify that in the op