54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Idk who moustache is

Basically a troublemaker. This sort of people exists everywhere, sadly.

(This might be too heavy wording, don’t nail me on this please.)

I added clause about spam

It’s your decision as the mod at the end of the day. Giving newbies a post count restriction seems counter productive to what direction games here are going.

Again, people have a reasonable idea of what’s good and what’s not

Do you think anything is not addressed in the OP or following posts?
Just making sure since I’m going to open it tomorrow

It might clash rn with the heavy amount of games we have already ongoing.

I’ll probably open up the thread later this week then.


You can open it for strictly sign-ups if you’ve advertised it

But I need sleep

This is not safe for sleep forum

(To :sleeping_bed: )



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Also I saw an article about meta-game as a solution to balancing your range. So yay people have thought about the problem of assimilating one’s town/scum meta vs playing optimal as town

Could you link?

Get sleep :^)

If you don’t link I won’t sleep

I’m glad I’m not you tomorrow morning :^)


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This is actually true.

I told you to stay up until 2 AM not 4AM you evil thing

I got a title through memes. If even I can do it, so can you!

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