54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

BaLaNcE yOuR rAnGe


rAnGe BaLaNcInG


Search range balancing on MU and read the university article that pops up I think near the bottom

What happens whenever a member of the scum faction is told to backread the thread?

Someone/people get wolfread Kappa

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I’m on mobile dear

I’m as well dearest

It’s article #4 in mafia university section on MU

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The issue is that many of the autoclears don’t really care about improving their wolf games, though. They basically enjoy never being able to be mislynched and don’t even bother to play if they rand wolf. Considering that some of them would be fake cleared just by actually posting in the thread as wolves, yeah.


That’s what makes me mad.

I think that’s rather disingenuous to say that people don’t want to improve their wolf play. They do, if they didn’t they wouldn’t even bother playing village correctly. The problem is that it’s a pretty slow process that will only come with time.

Definitely disagree that auto-clears are happy with their wolf play. It’s not that their villa game is bad, it’s that their wolf game is.

Also it’s significantly more difficult to gain experience if you won’t even be converted due to meta. Does that mean we should start converting them? No, but definitely take this into consideration that they won’t play wolf as much as yourself/Ici/Geyde because of this

Hey @James! :wave:t4:

Hello Magnus.

/draws gun hands on your head,
Arrest him.

/draw knife. I’m too Good for you.

/Draws blue eyes white dragon

I win



Bad idea.
/deflect bullet into the dragon.