54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute



You determine that by substituting the base for its equivalent then performing exponentiation rules

This is correct

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Which rules? The pi part sust seems bizarre

i is equal to e^(ipi/2)
So i ^ i = e^(i

Which gets the final result

Excuse the Italics discourse doesn’t do math well

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Use a backlash to cancel formatting
* is \*

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alright didn’t knew that

I went to search more about it


…that’s actually awesome

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who needs mvp when you can get possessed n1 and get a ton of gold anyway



@astand why is ur pfp twiight from mlp but in ms paint

Hjasik won the right to choose my pfp as a prize for killing me in Neutral Showdown 2.

wait really lmao


props to them

10/10 xD

If it’s anything, she consulted me for a choice of two and I picked the Twilight one

oh god xD

is it permanent?


Looks at above post.

Welcome. We urge you to join the abstinence club. Now available for people above 18. You’re below 18? The law is protecting you, no need to come to us. But you can pre-in a slot at your local club room near you! Available in all states!

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What about D.C.

Astand what the heck is that

Nerbins Discord now