54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


Why am I getting notifications for PMs from ages ago

What the happen


I moved them to the right section probably. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Publicized messages are automatically put into general.

Including Short Fuse 2 Mafia chat?

Yes. They were in general at first.


Well at least I know


I just moved the chats to the right section.

That’s a good reaper

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Maaaaan I miss Anstreim
Stopping to think here you two would probably make good friends

Who dat?

Best mod ever
Go look at the reports section and try to count how many times he resolves stuff

I must beat Anstreim-sama

I miss Anstreim too

I think I learned to know him in my first or second week in tol. Account name Cult Leader, IGN Cult Leader, roleplayed as cult leader because “noone would believe that the guy who’s called cult leader is a real cult leader”, I whispered him, roleplaying “I’m interested in your cult, tell me more”
and promptly got converted. Of course he is starting cult leader.


Anstreim was the first person I have ever felt comfortable to talk about guys with. Doesn’t looks like but he replied me with his gossips as well. Like the school BBF role I lacked in my life.
He wanted to become an astronomer but since his country didn’t have the course at unis, he became a developer or something like that
He was good at languages, knew Russian, hated Russia, knew a dialect Wikipedia considers dead but is spoken by about 50 people in his home area.
Has this very individualistic egoistic phillosophy which I sometimes clashed with.
Refused to accept he drew well and thought he did bad at both it and calligraphy.

Interesting person overall.


Can you gimme a backup for the FoL 22? Saying it here because the og thread is currently locked.

Whatever happened to @Moleland



We need to start a Mole is missing thread to save him!

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He vanished around Christmas

he probs went into hibernation

i would expect him back soon (Hopefully)


Whewe’s Mowewand, Bwizer-wizer?



@Geyde can u updtae the deathlist of the gi so i can see who’s who and be lazy