54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Yeah, it probably have to do with the thread being off topic

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The worst part about this is people probably think I’m doing this to provoke someone when I’m actually joffended that it was reported as spam

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Did you get a notification

Alright I didn’t need to make a few dummy threads. I changed the topic of my cookie thread to general and it shows. Which means we just need a mod to change this thread to general and it will start showing.


I doubt Solic would do it… ask either Geyde or Eevee.

Solic is just a mean person today tbh

He needs to eat a snicker bar


He’s not himself when he’s hungry

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Aren’t he always mean
Please don’t kill me Solic

Solic is not always mean.

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his heart is in the right place 75% of the time

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@eevee @solic @Geyde @PoisonedSquid

:eyes: you summoned the Beast?

if you see a new thread with cookie in it dont read it and report it for spam immideatly

thats how mafia works


Wait, we only need 300 more posts guys

Check discord. Immediately.
I wanna start the game.

What game

yes this is me trying to say I know your heart is in the right place in closing the thread but I’m still salty that it was closed and reported as spam

“Board game online.”