54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Sending the hospital sheet would be easier

But I think that there is some more easier ways

Oh god

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I’m happy I found a FE Three Houses Preorder for the limited edition with the steel case and Art book. I thought they were all sold out.

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Can’t wait to get a free Byleth in FEH!

I am definitely not going to S support Byleth with Linhardt in my first run

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I have decided to try to become nicer in my approach to people

oh boy this will be tough people make it hard to be nice to people

My air conditioning in my house broke again so this is how I feel05onfire1_xp-articleLarge-v2

I swear it is getting worse.

Also, we don’t even have air conditioning in England.

After the game, the king and the pawn go into the same box. – Italian Proverb

Everyone, this thread is now quarantined by decree of the Kitten. Go to the new one please.


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Gonna go ahead and give that a hard pass, Solic or someone will be around to delete the impostor cookie thread anyway.

I agree.
100% Solic someone’ll shut that one down.

Wait is there a disease?


I made my arguments on discord but just going to post them here.


image image image image day

@solic @eevee @Geyde @poisonedsquid

more ashamed of @Solic

That was an unlawful abuse of power :frowning:

No it’s just that this thread doesn’t show up any more unless you manually search for it in the magnifying glass or you have it on watched. Which was why I was trying to make a new post so it does show up. The fact that multiple people reported that post as spam, despite me telling you why I did it is insulting. No one would have reported that if solic posted the exact same thing.

Don’t know if it’s just me but that new thread doesn’t show up in “Categories” or “Main page” either unless you search for it

That was before someone report it btw

I need to test if off topic threads are the only ones that don’t show up , going to make a few dummy threads with different categories