54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Shambler obviously. ;D

In the two months we were set apart, my friend, you see I have became a hopeless shitposter.
and also both ilegally paraguayan and ilegally brazilian






Basically I’m not legally a Paraguay citizen and yet I reside either in Paraguay or in a ghost house in Brazil (since I shouldn’t be legally living alone), which makes me ilegal in both since my parents are marked as my guardians and they live in Paraguay now.

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I’m interested in how these technicalities play out

Nothing will probably happen since both those laws are not fiscalized in small cases like this. It is very common for rich teens to live alone for studying before they reach majority. Ayy.

Less than 200 posts til the cookie. I feel hungry :wink:

i think we should let me get it, after all it’s chocolate chip

Chocolate chip? Now I feel like getting it myself.

Selfish fool :stuck_out_tongue:



If someone needs moderation for his FM (like closing the thread etc.), you can ask me now too. I’m often online, if not, you’ll find me probably on discord. I’m not biting :slight_smile:


@discobot roll 1d100

:game_die: 46

oh no priestess is a mod run and hide the end is coming


@PoisonedSquid u there? meant to ping u in a diff thread but accidentally pinged merc instead bc i got confused

I love you too :wink:

make Mista a vig who secretly always dies instead of the person they’re shooting whenever they fire
you’re welcome

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