54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Well start it easy, is there anyone you can easily say I dont like this one house, or any character that is easily ur favorite

no? i need to play the game to get a feel for who i like and dont like

Oh no problemo then, I hope they give you plenty of time to learn and meet them all in game. But if you want to know a little bit about each one now I’d definitlly check out Mang’s (Youtuber) individual character analysis’s.

Oh i love mangs. He’s cool
Reminds me of dondon151, who was a legend, but left.

also for some reason Mortal Savant as -10 speed


thats the mage sword user class right?


its the only sword class unit (Aside from Falcon knight, Which is female, or Bow knight)

that utilizes swords

Felix is offically stuck as swordmaster it seems, as a +20 spd growth is pretty fucking good.

also can I say how Im dissapointed in these male only and female only classes, like Subaki proved a man can ride a Pegasus, why cant I put DooDoo on a flying horse

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We need flying horses for men so this man can be happy


it seems like armor units could be dumpster again

but, if bows are problematic, they will be the answer to them, cosnidering they have high as defemse

Also, shields exist.

Yeah im worried to make armor knights. They usually are rather lackluster

I found my test experiment game flavor

Dear Reader

It is absolutely important that you read this letter. Life as we know it will be doomed if you do not read it. If you can not handle the responsibility given to you, then give this letter to someone else. I understand if you cannot handle the responsibility.

The year is 2050 currently. Everything that was once fiction in your time is now reality. I can confirm there are multiple universes and that Time Travel is real. I’m currently sending you this letter through Time Travel in hopes you can stop the madness that will unfold.

In 2020 a group of scientist made a machine that allowed them to communicate with other universes. The way they have done this was remarkably genius. They exploited the fact that there were near infinite universes which means that there is an universe similar to theirs. They created a machine that was designed to receive a certain type of signal and to emit a certain signal. In another universe the same thing happened. Using signals, they began to communicate by telling each other about their universe. Then they realized that their universes were vastly different and it was by pure luck that this happened. The other universe went down a different route when making technology. When they started discussing their own technology, they realized something important. They could create a machine that could transport items from their universe to the other universe if they made it exactly the same.

So they did. At first they only started with small items. Then they decided to go bigger as time went on. Eventually, they transported themselves to meet in person. Long story short. They beat the odds. In 2025 they told the United States Government about this. The government paid a lot of money for the technology and for them to continue to work on this. At first, everything was fine. In 2030 the group of scientists invented Time Travel. They didn’t tell the government about this achievement as they knew the dangers of Time Travel.

In 2035 the group of scientists invented a way to contact other universes that didn’t create the same machine. They combined technology from the other universe and this universe to do it. They told the government about this and then the government told them to create a a big transport machine that can transport thousands of people at once. It took 5 years to do this. In 2040 they finished it. A couple days later all hell broke loose. The scientists walked into the laboratory to see thousands of soldiers dressed in slightly different uniforms. The scientists asked what was going on and the government told them that they have been in contact with other universes where the United States was in a similar position to ours. They all made an agreement to send thousands of soilders with weapons to help conquer the world here. If they were successful we would then in return help them conquer their worlds.

The scientists immediately tried to argue and shut the machine off when they were told that if they try to shut off the machine that they will be killed right away. You aren’t needed anymore as we know how to create these machines. With the help of the other United States we can bring in enough soldiers with different weapons then ours and dominate the world. We can create a Utopia.

Eventually the scientists agreed to their plan though hesitantly. They were given the mission to try to contact other United States and see if they were wanting in this deal. In 2045 the war with the other Nations of our universe ended. Some of them surrendered and were made Slaves. While others were brutally wiped out. The Utopia they talked about didn’t exist. The government made new laws that citizens had to follow. People were brutally murdered for even speaking bad about the government. This wasn’t Utopia. Not even close. There was nothing they could do at that time though. The scientists were heavily watched to make sure they didn’t interfere.

In 2050 something worse even happened. Other Nations in a different universe managed to get their hands on the technology we use. They went through the machine in our world and had the orders to kill everyone in this world regardless of who they were. Everyone was brutally murdered except one person.

That person was me. My name is Solis Sun. I can not live with myself anymore. I thought I was making a change in this world. But it appears that I only made things worse. Sitting next to me while I’m writing this is a tablet that connects to the other universe. It was the original tablet we used to send messages. I have been talking to Luna Moon who was the leader of the other scientist group. The ironic thing is that the exact same thing that’s happened to my universe happened to theirs at the same time. Luna is the only survivor as well. They are writing a letter and sending it to the past as well with the same instructions…

To stop what has happened you need to kill me and my group of scientists. This is the only way to stop this madness. You are our only hope to stop what I have created. If you manage to kill me and my scientists and the other universe manages to kill Luna and their scientists then none of this will ever happen.

Solis Sun. Luna Moon. Like the Sun and Moon we are the exact opposite of each other. However you cannot have the Moon without the Sun. If you destroy the moon then another moon will simply replace it. That’s why it is important for both groups to be destroyed. Someone else will just take the place if you don’t.

This is all I have for now. When I finish this letter I will send it through the time machine and will commit suicide after destroying the time machine. If I was to be found they may question me and I don’t trust myself to not tell them what I have done. Good Luck

Signed-Solis Sun

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This is what happens when you are bored

Well it was really well written and I’m interested in whatever it becomes. Good job

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I see ici

Incase it wasn’t obvious solis means sun in Latin while Luna means Moon in Latin

No Sun means solis in English

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no u

Is he strong, kind, mature, while maintaining a boyish innocence? Can he listen, but be ready to tell the hard truths when necessary?

then he’s not the best character

