54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute



epic posting noises

Anti-crimes have never really caught on.

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It’s the perfect crime

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i see i’m the only person here who’s read Reaper Man.

I’ve read Solic, does that count?

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Robber enters bank
“EVERYONE FREEZE I’M A ROBBER. TAKE MY MONEY” throws out a lot of cash everywhere and runs

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my favourite anti-crime is whitemailing, where you threaten to reveal a mafia member’s secret donations to charity publicly

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Probably Canadian robbers tbh

This had to have been done somewhere we need to find it

it did happen, its called the 2016 US presidential campaign


“It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets.“

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Wait Genius idea I read:murder someone with an ice sickle

They can’t prove you murdered him because the weapon melts away

Murder someone with Stand ability

Theres still the blood to deal with, plus if they find you with a ice tray in the shape of a ice sickle it be pretty sus

How will they know it was ice that killed him?

idk excess water in wound, or the tissue seemingly chilled, that if that would heals slower. Idk forensics