54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Also, why keep around the ice tray? You don’t need it anymore

Theyd check ur trash and that surely have ur prints

They need a search warrant to check the house with the trash can and that means they must have evidence against you. They do not. As well, there’s much easier ways to get rid of things you don’t want. Throw it in a lake or something. Or burn it.

Hey man idk, im not good when it comes to crime stuff, my parents may watch all those true crime documentarys but i dont

I think my cat ate one of my sisters legos

oof i hope its ok, and I hope it aint a duplo lego

so to confirm, thats a no on smash con?

yeah unfortunately, maybe like next year

yeah, its fine man.
maybe next year indeed

I’ll be gone until friday


Is it bad that I’m considering to look at what 11th grade math students have to do so I can look ahead of my class and procasnaite finishing my literature homework


There’s nothing wrong with wanting to work ahead.

(You should probably do your lit homework at some point, though.)

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I have one week left of freedom

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did someone call?

“A live dog is better then a dead lion”

in sixth form maths we’re going to be studying maths that was considered dark magic for several years


Dark maths, smh

@MATHblade begone, bladelock!

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Darth Mathblade