54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I only remember everyone else besides Alfa

I have terrible memory it seems like

Instead of one “second calling” (when you don’t pass to an uni you applied but can still select a second one) in reality I have four “second callings” because I thought that bacharelate/licenciature were different from “normal uni degree”

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My course don’t even have a licenciature damn how do people teach then

oh my god the second phase has physics on it I’m crying.

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This club is taking a lot of work but it’s going to be worth it.


I legit spent 3 hours thinking of ways to compare literature and mafia together and how to convince a teacher that I have everything organized they need to do absolutely nothing but act as a sponser so I can use their room


on the bright side my adhd is helping

I just spent 3 hours non stop working on something to get this done


Alfa is demoted, but not banned.

And welp, soon after, she move on from the community.

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tbf I am going to stalk you down if you shared your MU account name :wink:


I like how I’m more worried about other people at school then strangers on the internet

tbf I known y’all for a year and more

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not me.

Btw you still interested in the Pokémon Roleplay?

absoutely not

You forgot the /s

No u


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Just one Roleplay…

We need Marl back

unfortunately hes not coming back and he even left the sloth discord, hes great but he moved on to Mafia Colosseum