54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

that’s why science can’t solve it

I mean theoretically if it was the same conditions I think they would act similariy but different.

But there’s no way to prove this

like even heck how much time has past since the start of the universe could also affect them lmao

butterfly effect is amazing

Actually it is proven that you can’t perfectly replicate a creature, even in theory

at least i think. asap science did a video on it

I will make a list of Underdark creatures

I just watched a video about this too, like a few days ago and I can’t
remeber where I found it but it basically said this:

You can’t replicate a person to look similar to you even if you have the same genes as the fetal enviroment determines which genes will be turned off and on.

Also unless you are raised in almost the exact same way and environment your clone will have a completely different personality then you.

They will probably have some defects as well as most clones do.

I’m not sure if it’s true but that’s what I heard ^

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Thinking about it, imagine that we taught caveman type people how to get rid of bacteria in drinks and food. Do you know how much more deadly bacteria would be today if we EVER caught it?

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@simon is it proven even if you replicate everything perfectly and I mean perfectly perfectly (NOTHING IS DIFFERENT AT ALL) don’t say it’s impossible I’m talking theoretically.

He said Its impossible theoretically

Because if it is. That would mean that either something else is playing a factor in the way animals act, that we have no idea about. Or two, that would mean that chance also plays a fact in someone’s personalities and actions

I wouldn’t be surprised about two and that same things can provoke a different reaction from someone based on random chance

Like RNG goddes

That would imply that there’s an finite amount of possibilities and that they are all equally as plausible

I’ll like to think there’s either infinite solutions or one solution has a larger chance of happening then another one

That’s why I didn’t say random number generator and instead said random chance

I’m speaking smart words to seem smarter then I really am, trust me I’m an unicorn expert

That would be same as rolling time back And seeing if someone does same action if you dont do anything

I mean. If you are rolling back time did you change anything. If not the same thing is going to happen, the future will happen, the past already happened, and the present is currently happening:

Like say you have a random number generator. Did you know not even a random number generator can be fully random, so it has to be psudeo. It does an equation or something like that, and would get the exact same answer if you rolled back time