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Random number generator cant be fully random but margaret can

random number can be random my bad, but it still has to produce a sequence of numbers for it to be random by doing an equation I believe.

Hardware random generators (TRNG): Hardware RNGs do not require seeds because hardware random numbers are not computed values; they are not derived through a repeatable algorithm. Rather, hardware-generated random numbers are digitized snapshots of naturally occurring noise. Because there is no algorithm and no repeating sequences of numbers, even if a hacker could determine one number, he would not be able to use it to predict any future numbers. For this reason, hardware RNGs are known as Truly Random Number Generators, or TRNGs.

Oh this is how it does it, I believe the sound would still be the same and if you did it at the exact same time then it would still be the same number

quantamly, it is impossible to make two things that are exact-in-every-way clones

Personally i feel that, while not infinite, theres an unimaginably large amount of possibilities, that it is effectively infinite.
so like a 1-Graham’s Number random number generator

True. thats how TAS speedruns work. but its random enough that you can never get a consistent result in practice.

i think this is what it is.
rewatching the video now

But if you traveled to the past and redid it, it gives you the same number right

ah. @Kirefitten
So, were you to travel back in time, it would act the same, as it isnt a clone, but is itself, again. (or rather, observe backwards in time, so as not to disrupt things with your presence). This is because thats how it already happened, so it kinda doesnt make sense to say observing the past could possibly yield a separate result; because then it isnt your past.
On the other hand, it is impossible to actively create a clone that is accurate at the subatomic level (i.e. physics-cloning), even theoretically.
its not that we lack the skills or the tools, its that the skills/tools necessary can’t and don’t exist.

here’s the video in question:

so the idea your getting at is whether there’s in inherent randomness in the universe such that even two perfectly similar organisms in perfectly similar situations would act differently. Its already been talked about a lot, and from what i know this is one stance on it:
The universe does have inherent randomness, but its a semi-randomness, like that algorithm you talked about. the seed for said algorithm would be every particle’s exact position & velocity. Theoretically, if you knew the exact position and velocity of ever particle in the universe, you could use that data to predict far into the future.

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alright guys, heading to the airport it’s like 6 am ugh

gonna be offline for like 24 hours (might be able to get on a bit at the airport tho)


Full picture right here for Detective Pikachu. Not click bait.

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you have been betrayed by the comment section lmao

Oh boo hoo


Why did you like that? It wasn’t funny, don’t like this comment please.

(Dammit it didn’t work)

I saw that

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is that the 2 hr animation of pikachu dancing that ryan reynolds posted

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old news m8

gotta do better than that

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