54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Lol this was an awewsome skit.

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Honestly the villain being sad because he felt like he wasn’t good enough to be punched was the best

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I loved the judgemental handraise from behind the counter.

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Something funnier would have been to have another superhero also go under there but they are badly disguised and super man points out him and says he’s a super hero why he doesn’t do it and they start blaming him for putting blame on people who aren’t hero’s

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Translators note: Baka??? means Baka!!!


Pretty sure it means dumb in Japanese or something like that

it means idiot, but im not sure if i want to call Geyde-sama Baka or not, you BAKA!!!


I’m having a little problem with physics

I’m kind of confused on how you apply significant figures to problems that have both addition and multiplication

like the physics teacher said significant figures would be extra credit but aren’t necessary to do but I want those extra points

Imagine this equation

D=Vi+Vf/2 * t

or another equation like Vf=Vi+at

Significant figures carry out the same throughout addition and multiplication from my memory?

Never used this beyond highschool in my choice of university study

What drugs are you on

Illegal ones

It’s the same for subtracting and addition

but it’s different for multiplication and division

Significant figures was how much numbers behind a decimal right?

I feel like you’re talking about units or something…

Addition/subtraction needs to be the same unit. Multiplication/Division just multiplies both units of whatever you multiple like meters + meters = meters and meters * meters = meters * meters or meters^2

are you trolling me now