54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

for multiplication its just the significant figures of the input with less significant figures, yes?
i believe that that is the standard, for functions and whatnot (say if log(a,b) were in an equation)
i think addition/subtraction is actually the odd one out, where if you are only doing addition/subtraction, you do significant figures by decimal places, rather than digits in general.

thats units not significant figures

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i.e. if you have both, go by multiplication rules. the input with the least amount of significant figures, thats how many you round to in the output

You sure on this?

when you only have two things, and one is the norm, look for a third thing.
if i had an equation
c = mod(a,b) how would you do significant figures given a measured a and b


that might be mathematical significant figures
science significant figures is different

in math, its digits from the left going right, not counting 0s on either end
in science thats not always the case

Simon you are speaking in Spanish now

I have no idea what mod is, I have either not learned it yet or forgot about it which I doubt

ok, then how about log.
log-base-a of b


11th grade physics learning about kinematic equations

im in 11th grade physics myself.
im using this as an example.

honestly though, just ask your teacher. its that simple

I have to wait 3 days

*i know a lot of math though
i am most certainly not in 11th grade math

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email them?

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probably will just do that

but yeah if they dont respond i recommend doing the least-of-the-inputs thing

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Solic:I feel like I’m in math class again and I don’t know how to do anything

My physics teacher is great however, had her for chemistry last year

if your curious, mod (short for modulo) is a function which gets you the remainder in a division.
as in, if you were not able to use decimals, and you divide 5 by 3, you would get a multiple of 3 and some left over. mod measures that which is left over.
so in this case, mod(3,5) would return 2.